Well, to no one's surprise the IRS is still targeting conservatives... Read about it in this article from the Washington Examiner:
We are so close. We need to get serious and have an outreach explosion! We must start overwhelming the nation with our voices! It is past due that we take back the republican party and our country. And our only weakness? We are TOO TIMID! 

Wake up, you sleeping conservatives! It is time to actually do something. Stop reading this tiny meaningless blog. Stop posting stupid conservative stickers on your Facebook walls. Stop listening to the news and reading articles online. Go out and actually do something! Engage others about politics. Help wake up the sleeping conservatives. Call your representation. Write your representation. Go drive to your representation and make them feel insanely uncomfortable. Inspire real change! GO! Please!

We need to realize that if all of the conservatives of this country actually got up and did something that we would take back this country so quickly it would blow our minds. I know my blog only reaches maybe 50 people, but if those 50 people started to take action calling, writing, and visiting politicians, as well as spurring on 10 other people to do the same. And then if each of those ten people woke up ten other people, then we could revive our country; this country that we claim to love so much. Yet we do nothing! It's like telling your spouse I love you, then standing idly by while she drowns! Wake up! Why are you still reading this? Go contact someone. Share this message. Do something.
In the midst of all these scandals, obamacare, and other general political nonsense, I find that it is necessary to try to relax and clear your mind and laugh a little. So everyday, I try to find time to sit back and unwind; and, I would like for you to do the same. But, this is a political website, so, in order to stay on topic, here are some funny political remixes. Enjoy.
If you were to run into me a few years ago, you may have been surprised to find that I stayed far away from anything political. I was uneasy to associate with specific view points or to stand my ground on any issue. I generally just rolled any political conversation off my shoulder by claiming ignorance. I wouldn't vote in any election simply because I never fully liked any of the candidates and I didn't want to take the 'blame' that often comes from backing a politician. 

In 2008, I didn't vote. I, for good reasons, did not like either of the candidates. We had super liberal Barrack Obama on the left and the awkward RINO John McCain slightly less on the left. As many constitutional conservatives, I was not very excited to have to take sides with either candidate; therefore, I did not vote. I hoped that by not voting I would distance myself from whatever outcome was decided by the American people. Unfortunately, that's simply not how it works.

By abstaining from my vote I don't wash my hands of any outcome, I agree to the outcome of the people. I, by not voting, essentially voted for Barrack Obama. The ability to vote is the ability to voice my opinion. If I choose to keep my mouth shut, then I agree to whatever leadership is provided to me. I am not saying that I should have voted for John McCain, but that I should have voted for the person whom I felt was most deserving of my vote. I would argue that 'the most deserving' candidate would be the most constitutional candidate with a chance of actually getting elected; however, many people would disagree with me and choose to vote for the absolute best candidate even if there is no chance of that person getting elected. I would not argue with that belief.

I don't want to sound like the stupid 'Vote or Die' campaign or Hank Hill, but I felt that I had to stress the importance of voting and show that ignorance and abstaining does not wash you of responsibility. So, as I try to encourage everyone, go spend time learning about issues and potential candidates; encourage people to stand up for their beliefs and vote; and, be bold and speak openly about your views and what is important to you.
When the Constitution was written it was solid. It was unchanging and stood strong as the armor of the American people. But now, liberals and RINO's want to pretend that the Constitution is fluid. They want to believe that it is a liquid, that it is 'alive', and that the interpretation is constantly changing. This is the dumbest thing I have ever heard. What is the purpose of writing a list of rules when the meanings of the rules are constantly and deliberately misinterpreted? There is no purpose. The idea of the Constitution is to provide UNCHANGING law. It is meant to be something to protect the people of the United States of America. How can it protect Americans when we allow the politicians from which the Constitution protects to change and interpret the meaning for us? 

We are losing our protection. We are willingly handing over our shield. If the government can change our laws from a solid to a liquid then they can change it from a liquid to a vapor. The Constitution and our rights as American citizens are about to vaporize. Protect yourself. Demand the law is enforced the way it was meant to be enforced. Conserve the American way. Elect good representation. Stay informed. Educate yourself. And don't back down.
It is human nature to push boundaries. We, as humans, must peel back one layer at a time to expose more 'freedom'. However, we rarely will peel back two layers at a time because in our minds we know there must be boundaries. For example: We take marriage, we peel back one layer, and we change it from one man and one woman to two people man or woman. And for a time we will not go any farther. However, in time another generation will come and they will have been raised with the boundary of two people man or woman and they will want to peel back another layer and gain more 'freedom'. That layer could be a variety of things. It may be polygamy, it may be non-human marriage, it may be marriage to children, we don't know. But to us these things probably sound detestable. That's because that’s our boundary; however, to another generation they may not seem so detestable and they will fight for one of these causes in the same manner as we fought for homosexual marriage. And they will win. And this trend will continue until we, as humans, become an abomination and destroy ourselves or we have a revival and revolution.

The problem with these 'freedoms' is that they are not freedoms at all. These boundaries are not meant to enslave people, but to guide people in a moral and ethical manner. What we are essentially doing is peeling back layers of a moral onion over and over again and with every layer our lives will be filled with more irritation and stench. This realization makes the problem and solution very clear. The issue with this country is moral relativism. We, as Americans, have decided that what is right and wrong is not absolute but dependent on specific situations and belief systems. This is incorrect. Unfortunately, moral relativism is a philosophical fallacy. The arguments that are used to support this are weak, at best. Morals and ethics are objective. They are built into every one of us. That is why so many natural laws exist in so many different societies with only very few discrepancies. If morals and ethics were not objective then these natural laws would be much more sporadic and random. Discrepancies would be far more common.

Americans, and humans everywhere, need to study this topic, and explore this idea. We must open our eyes and attempt to drop our biases. This can be hard, but if we are searching for truth, we must first put aside our preferences and beliefs and try them by fire. We have to dig deep. We must stop believing the words of others and figure it out for ourselves. We are at a point in time where we can research something and find both support and protest for and against any topic. Who do we believe? Whoever can stand up to the fire.

“If ye love wealth better than liberty, the tranquility of servitude better than the animating contest of freedom, go home from us in peace. We ask not your counsels or arms. Crouch down and lick the hands which feed you. May your chains set lightly upon you, and may posterity forget that ye were our countrymen.” 
― Samuel Adams
Taken from Fox News: http://www.thenews-messenger.com/viewart/20130419/NEWS01/304190031/Timeline-Search-Boston-bomb-suspects
Wow, what a week. It seems like tragedy just won't leave our country alone. The Boston bombings, the explosion of the fertilizer plant in Texas, the continuing trampling of our rights, and the conspiracies that seem to surround the men and woman of our government.
Anyway, what I want to talk about is the shutting down of Boston. It severely bothers me. I understand that the circumstances were extraordinary; however, those are the times when we, as the American people, need to be most cautious. Rights are not taken from people in a day. It takes time and usually a tragic event or extreme circumstance. In this case, it was a terrorist running loose in Boston. 
Now, I cannot say that I have answers at this moment. I simply am raising the red flag. We need to be careful of giving up any right to the government in exchange for security. When a right is given away, it is rarely given back. Do not misunderstand, I am not criticizing the citizens or police force of Boston. Especially, those with families and people for whom they are responsible. But, I would hope in the future that when something like this happens, because this is not the first and it won't be the last, that our police force and our citizens will demand to do right by the constitution. I pray that our rights, each and everyone of them, will be completely respected and that good will conquer over evil.
 We shouldn't have civilians locked in their homes. We shouldn't have people unable to go about their days as they wish. We shouldn't have police trespassing and searching private property. We shouldn't have guns pointed at innocent civilians as they are forced out of their homes. We shouldn't have it and we shouldn't stand for it. 
We need to formulate a better way to handle extreme circumstances such as this. At the moment I do not have a solid idea. I will continuing thinking about it, if you have any thoughts feel free to comment or to contact us.

I feel that someone must address the idea that has been being thrown around recently that "If it [a law] can prevent one death or crime, then it is worth it". Human life is a very valuable gift. "Greater love has no one than this: to lay down one's life for one's friends." (John 15:13 NIV). That's right out of my savior's mouth. Now, whether or not you are a Christian man, human life is one of the greatest gifts. Therefore, human life should be greatly protected. And if a law can help save a life then that is a great start. 

However, to claim a law that infringes on our rights is justified by the sole idea that it may save lives is folly. Right now the idea is: let's ban guns to prevent mass shootings. Yes, we all want to prevent mass shootings. But we cannot solve the problem by infringing on our own rights. That is libertarian suicide. These freedoms and rights that we have as American citizens were not cheap. Millions of men and woman have fought and died for these rights. Blood was paid! These rights were purchased at a very expensive price. And, for us to willingly throw them away because of terror is foolishness. We need to wake up, America. We need to stop trading freedom for "security". We are digging our own grave. 

So please, get involved. Contact your senators and representatives and tell them what you want. You can contact them through the links on our home page. Don't forget, they work for you.
I don't really have much to say about gun free zones because they seem to speak for themselves. What a stupid idea! Have we not noticed that all the places these mass shootings seem to take place are gun free areas? Is this a surprise to anyone? 
Let's be logical about this. Mass murder is planned. In the eyes of the shooter there is a purpose for it. Whether that purpose is fame or vengeance  the shooter is going to plan their "day of reckoning" carefully. Every detail they are going to think about, including where can they inflict the largest amount of damage. Well, let's, you and me, think about where this place could be together. 
"We could go to a park, but no their may by police nearby or a civilian with a CCW. Hmmm.... How about a restaurant? No, again their could be a cop or CCW carrier. I just don't want to take that chance... ...Oh I know! Let's go shoot everyone in a government building because they are all disarmed BY LAW! I don't have to worry about anyone retaliating! How convenient."
I could go on and on about this topic, but it would all just be repetitive. Everything points to this obvious fact: 
          Gun free zones are shooting-fish-in-a-barrel-zones. If you want to keep your children safe eliminate gun free zones.