It is human nature to push boundaries. We, as humans, must peel back one layer at a time to expose more 'freedom'. However, we rarely will peel back two layers at a time because in our minds we know there must be boundaries. For example: We take marriage, we peel back one layer, and we change it from one man and one woman to two people man or woman. And for a time we will not go any farther. However, in time another generation will come and they will have been raised with the boundary of two people man or woman and they will want to peel back another layer and gain more 'freedom'. That layer could be a variety of things. It may be polygamy, it may be non-human marriage, it may be marriage to children, we don't know. But to us these things probably sound detestable. That's because that’s our boundary; however, to another generation they may not seem so detestable and they will fight for one of these causes in the same manner as we fought for homosexual marriage. And they will win. And this trend will continue until we, as humans, become an abomination and destroy ourselves or we have a revival and revolution.
The problem with these 'freedoms' is that they are not freedoms at all. These boundaries are not meant to enslave people, but to guide people in a moral and ethical manner. What we are essentially doing is peeling back layers of a moral onion over and over again and with every layer our lives will be filled with more irritation and stench. This realization makes the problem and solution very clear. The issue with this country is moral relativism. We, as Americans, have decided that what is right and wrong is not absolute but dependent on specific situations and belief systems. This is incorrect. Unfortunately, moral relativism is a philosophical fallacy. The arguments that are used to support this are weak, at best. Morals and ethics are objective. They are built into every one of us. That is why so many natural laws exist in so many different societies with only very few discrepancies. If morals and ethics were not objective then these natural laws would be much more sporadic and random. Discrepancies would be far more common.
Americans, and humans everywhere, need to study this topic, and explore this idea. We must open our eyes and attempt to drop our biases. This can be hard, but if we are searching for truth, we must first put aside our preferences and beliefs and try them by fire. We have to dig deep. We must stop believing the words of others and figure it out for ourselves. We are at a point in time where we can research something and find both support and protest for and against any topic. Who do we believe? Whoever can stand up to the fire.
The problem with these 'freedoms' is that they are not freedoms at all. These boundaries are not meant to enslave people, but to guide people in a moral and ethical manner. What we are essentially doing is peeling back layers of a moral onion over and over again and with every layer our lives will be filled with more irritation and stench. This realization makes the problem and solution very clear. The issue with this country is moral relativism. We, as Americans, have decided that what is right and wrong is not absolute but dependent on specific situations and belief systems. This is incorrect. Unfortunately, moral relativism is a philosophical fallacy. The arguments that are used to support this are weak, at best. Morals and ethics are objective. They are built into every one of us. That is why so many natural laws exist in so many different societies with only very few discrepancies. If morals and ethics were not objective then these natural laws would be much more sporadic and random. Discrepancies would be far more common.
Americans, and humans everywhere, need to study this topic, and explore this idea. We must open our eyes and attempt to drop our biases. This can be hard, but if we are searching for truth, we must first put aside our preferences and beliefs and try them by fire. We have to dig deep. We must stop believing the words of others and figure it out for ourselves. We are at a point in time where we can research something and find both support and protest for and against any topic. Who do we believe? Whoever can stand up to the fire.