We are so close. We need to get serious and have an outreach explosion! We must start overwhelming the nation with our voices! It is past due that we take back the republican party and our country. And our only weakness? We are TOO TIMID!
Wake up, you sleeping conservatives! It is time to actually do something. Stop reading this tiny meaningless blog. Stop posting stupid conservative stickers on your Facebook walls. Stop listening to the news and reading articles online. Go out and actually do something! Engage others about politics. Help wake up the sleeping conservatives. Call your representation. Write your representation. Go drive to your representation and make them feel insanely uncomfortable. Inspire real change! GO! Please!
We need to realize that if all of the conservatives of this country actually got up and did something that we would take back this country so quickly it would blow our minds. I know my blog only reaches maybe 50 people, but if those 50 people started to take action calling, writing, and visiting politicians, as well as spurring on 10 other people to do the same. And then if each of those ten people woke up ten other people, then we could revive our country; this country that we claim to love so much. Yet we do nothing! It's like telling your spouse I love you, then standing idly by while she drowns! Wake up! Why are you still reading this? Go contact someone. Share this message. Do something.
Wake up, you sleeping conservatives! It is time to actually do something. Stop reading this tiny meaningless blog. Stop posting stupid conservative stickers on your Facebook walls. Stop listening to the news and reading articles online. Go out and actually do something! Engage others about politics. Help wake up the sleeping conservatives. Call your representation. Write your representation. Go drive to your representation and make them feel insanely uncomfortable. Inspire real change! GO! Please!
We need to realize that if all of the conservatives of this country actually got up and did something that we would take back this country so quickly it would blow our minds. I know my blog only reaches maybe 50 people, but if those 50 people started to take action calling, writing, and visiting politicians, as well as spurring on 10 other people to do the same. And then if each of those ten people woke up ten other people, then we could revive our country; this country that we claim to love so much. Yet we do nothing! It's like telling your spouse I love you, then standing idly by while she drowns! Wake up! Why are you still reading this? Go contact someone. Share this message. Do something.