I am distraught. It is hard not to feel somewhat broken. Take note of these moments because America will remember them. America will remember these moments as the time we stood idly by and watched our country crash into oblivion. If this was war America would act swiftly, but because this battle is political we are sleeping while the domestic enemy surrounds our camp with bayonets fixed waiting to plunge their blades deep into our hearts. We are asleep while great men like Senator Ted Cruz stands in defiance before Emperor Obama and his corrupt, liberal, anti-America minions. This is the moment America fights back or dies. If we as a country do not act, then our country will cease to exist.
America, open your eyes. John Kerry is preparing to sign an international arms treaty. America’s right to arms is being infringed all over the place. And Americans are trying to justify it with ‘common-sense’ that stems from fear alone. Does America know the definition of the word infringed? They must not.
Infringe: to commit a breach or infraction of; violate or transgress; to encroach or trespass.
And just to be completely clear I will also share the complete second amendment.
“A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.”
We, the people, have the right to keep—that is to be in possession of—and bear—that is to carry—Arms—that is short for armaments. And that right, shall not be infringed—that means it cannot be violated or even encroached upon. The federal government does not have the right, as defined by the very documents that formed it, to even limit the armaments of the American people.
America, please, educate yourselves. Refresh your memory. Preach on the streets like Jesus himself that this country needs to turn around. After all, is not the constitution America’s Bible? Is not Americanism and capitalism the national religion of America? We have turned to false idols and are worshiping other gods. America, turn around before real freedom is wiped off the face of the earth.
Stand up America. We have the privilege to fight for liberty and freedom. And we don’t even have to pick up a weapon. Be loud. Be persistent. Be stubborn. Fight back.
America, open your eyes. John Kerry is preparing to sign an international arms treaty. America’s right to arms is being infringed all over the place. And Americans are trying to justify it with ‘common-sense’ that stems from fear alone. Does America know the definition of the word infringed? They must not.
Infringe: to commit a breach or infraction of; violate or transgress; to encroach or trespass.
And just to be completely clear I will also share the complete second amendment.
“A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.”
We, the people, have the right to keep—that is to be in possession of—and bear—that is to carry—Arms—that is short for armaments. And that right, shall not be infringed—that means it cannot be violated or even encroached upon. The federal government does not have the right, as defined by the very documents that formed it, to even limit the armaments of the American people.
America, please, educate yourselves. Refresh your memory. Preach on the streets like Jesus himself that this country needs to turn around. After all, is not the constitution America’s Bible? Is not Americanism and capitalism the national religion of America? We have turned to false idols and are worshiping other gods. America, turn around before real freedom is wiped off the face of the earth.
Stand up America. We have the privilege to fight for liberty and freedom. And we don’t even have to pick up a weapon. Be loud. Be persistent. Be stubborn. Fight back.