This week we were hit once again by radical Islamist's, we saw regular citizens step up and put themselves in harms way to help others in need, law enforcement working overtime until the terrorists had been brought to justice. There is much that still needs to be determined, who was all behind it, where did the money come from and what was the reasoning behind the young terrorists actions? Through all of that we still got to see what makes America great, seeing people stand together to bring these men to justice. We can talk about how the media talked and hoped for days that the terrorists were right winged Americans, but I would rather look at all the good and not the bad.
We can see that no matter what party you belong to, or how much the white house is using an emotional tragedy like the new town shooting to push their gun control bills, the US Senate still stood up and up held the 2nd amendment of our constitution in a vote this week by a 60% majority. That is something we should all be proud of. So as we continue to mourn for the lost this past week, you can still find good things happening. Just remember this is America and we will stand strong together.