I think its important that everybody understands the importance of this recent gun debate. As a strong supporter of the Constitution, I believe it is very important to keep the Bill of Rights as they were meant to be. That includes the right for the people of this country to keep and bear arms. Recently we saw the people of this country do a good job in defending those rights in most cases, we saw the failure of Obama's gun control bill in the senate in recent weeks, which was the greatest thing the senate has done in many months. Now we should continue to look forward and fixing the problems that led to these recent tragedies. One thing we know, through statistics is that more guns in the hands of good people always results in less crime, we must fight for the abolishment of gun free school zones and make it easier for teachers to be trained and carry a gun if they want to. We must also continue to educate the public on the responsible and safe use of firearms. Another thing is the public's mindset needs to change on firearms, the amount of fear people have against them astonishes me. It is up to us to show responsible practices carrying, handling and shooting these tools of defense. We must not forget to support our lawmakers in coming up with 2nd amendment friendly ways in solving some of our problems, urge them to follow states like Missouri, Oklahoma, Texas, Utah, Montana and not states like Illinois, Colorado and New York. So lets stop immediately jumping to the defense of the 2nd amendment when it should be the solution.