The Blaze: School Tries to Clarify Anti-Bullying Presentation That Had Students ‘Pretend They Were Lesbians’
Recently, we have been simply amazed at what is happening in our country. It seems there is no end to the insanity. It seems that a Redhook, New York school lined up a bunch of 14 year old girls and told them to pretend to be lesbians and ask for a kiss from their female classmates. At the same time the boys were taken aside and given condoms and told to always have one. This is disgusting behavior that you would imagine happening in some pervert's basement. But no. This is in your schools.
The Blaze: California Parents Whose Baby Boy Was ‘Snatched’ by Police Tell Their Unbelievable Story
Here is an incredible story about a family whose child was stolen from them by a SWAT team breaking into their house without a warrant. Our rights are looking less and less important to the government. And it seems as though they are pushing their boundaries just to see how far they can go. Well, this is too far. Read and watch this unbelievable story on The Blaze. (because few other media networks covered this insane and important story)
-May 1, 2013
The Blaze: Lesbian Activist’s Surprisingly Candid Speech: Gay Marriage Fight Is a ‘Lie’ to Destroy Marriage
"I don't see why they[kids] shouldn't have five parents legally"
These are just a few of the words spoken by lesbian activist Masha Gessen. Now for some of you Libertarians out there, this might change some perspective. We, at Angry Elephant, used to say, "To each his own. Marry who you want, just keep the government out of it." However, after hearing words like these, speaking of lies and deceit our stance might have changed. Do not trust what you see out there. The political world is riddled with lies. A polygraph would have a hard time finding it. -May 1, 2013
CNET News: U.S. gives big, secret push to Internet surveillance
George Orwell was either some sort of political prophet, or simply an incredibly intelligent man. He had it right. The government is possibly monitoring your internet activity and more. While there is no specific mention to a right of privacy, you do have one as implied by multiple amendments including a couple from a little document called the Bill of Rights.
-May 1, 2013
The Blaze: Financial Gun Control? GE Capitol Quietly Cuts Off Lending to Gun Shops
The title speaks for itself on this one. That's right, GE Capitol is refusing to loan gun shops money. Why, you might ask? Well, it's definitely not because of a lack of business. Guns sale are through the roof as many of you probably already know. The left wing want to eliminate our 2nd amendment liberties anyway that it can.
-May 1, 2013
Fox News: Student Reportedly Arrested, Suspended after Argument with Teacher over NRA Shirt
Wearing a shirt with a depiction of a gun is not against school policy, so what were they doing by suspending this kid? Where is the ACLU in response to this? This teenager has a 1st amendment right to wear that shirt until the school writes it in their policy. The students should continue to wear what they please as long as it doesn't go against school policy.
- April 24, 2013
ABC News: Chris Christie's Gun Gamble
Chris Christie never ceases to amaze us with his liberal stances lately. That's what you get with a fiscally conservative and socially liberal Governor. This goes to show we must not look to a rhino like him to run for president in the future. New Jersey should look elsewhere for their next Governor.
- April 24, 2013
The Examiner: Joe Scarborough Uses False Al Qaeda Talking Point to Push Gun Control.
This is simply astounding. The blatant ignorance of these MSNBC reporters is insulting to viewers everywhere.
As anyone with half a brain would know (Obviously, this al Qaeda spokesman has less than that), the average citizen cannot purchase ANY form of fully automatic weapon. In fact, there are many weapons that aren't fully automatic that the average American citizen cannot buy. For example, any rifle with a buttstock with a barrel under 16 inches or any shotgun with a barrel under 18 inches. Also, ANYONE purchasing ANY firearm from a properly licensed gun dealer MUST show identification and complete a background check. - April 11, 2013