Today during an on going battle in the senate, our secretary of state signed the UN arms treaty. Every where we look our freedoms are being trampled on. We are taxed to the brink of bankruptcy, we are told where we can and can't carry a firearm to protect ourselves and family’s, we are told what kind of light bulbs and toilets we're to put in our homes, or can't even control what is taught in our schools. The list of rules and regulations go on and on for citizens and businesses alike. While the fight to keep the freedom to control our healthcare continues, the president and secretary of state use this time to push their anti gun motives. They will force us to fight on multiple fronts, so we must pay attention to all branches of government in order to preserve what little freedom we have left. I am sorry to say the time of relaxing at home and trusting our elected officials is over. It is up to me and you to hold them accountable for their actions. Harry Reid seems to be ignoring the will of the American people. He will attempt to strip the defunding of obamacare out of the house budget bill and send it back with little to no time for them to change it back. Who's playing politics now? I say let the government shut down, if that’s what it takes for the liberals to see how important it is to the American people to dismantle obamacare, then so be it. Let's put obamacare aside for a moment, and just look at what has happened to this country over the past century. The federal income tax, the dept. of education, dept. of energy, social security, medicare, the list go's on. All of which were put into place because people want less and less responsibility to take care of their own affairs, giving up a little freedom at a time because its convenient and they feel safer. A writer by the name of William Somerset Maugham said it well: Any nation that thinks more of its ease and comfort than its freedom will soon lose its freedom; and the ironical thing about it is that it will lose its ease and comfort too.W. Somerset Maugham I believe the people's eyes are starting to open, the tide is shifting, and small government policy’s are becoming more and more popular. This is our time, I say obamacare is our line in the sand, let's stand up and fight back these oppressive programs. We can win this battle and begin to take back that free country our ancestors once knew, fought and died for.
This week on capital hill we have the battle of the budget. At the top of the debate is the defunding of obamacare. In early 2010 one of the worst bills in American history was signed into law. It took many bribes and some rule bending, but was finally passed and signed. With the opposition of obamacare continuing to grow years later, the fight continues. This week on capital hill and the debate on the senate floor may be the most important battle in defeating this horrible law. I am a 25 year old business owner, and in my life time, I have never seen a law opposed by so many Americans and being fought three years after it being signed into law. The future of our country depends on those of you who decide to stand up and make your voice heard.
I am writing you tonight asking for your help. I know you are all busy, God knows I am. I said above I am a business owner but I am also a single dad. I will find time to fight for freedom and constitutional principles, I am asking you to join me. Our founders went to war for being taxed on stamps and tea. I stand here today taxed on my income, anything I buy with that taxed income, taxed on any property or vehicles I own every year I own them. I am forced to pay into a retirement fund I want no part of. And now I am fighting for my freedom to chose my own health care coverage. Is this a free country? I think not, we fell far from the shining city on a hill years ago. What would our founders have done? I think we all know the answer to that question. Please speak out against obamacare and stand with those elected officials who are fighting on capital hill, they need us.
Today I want to look towards Washington DC. Obamacare is being debated and I believe its time to shut it down. As many of you have heard the president talk about the republicans playing political games, or holding the government hostage. This is simply not true. The house simply voted on a budget that they believe is in the best interest of the country. Many polls have come out and have shown the majority of americans agree with defunding obamacare. Yet you will see democrat after democrat come out and say the house budget bill is a non starter. Here in my home state of Missouri the people have voted twice to block obamacare by a 3 to 1 ratio, yet our senator will not support the house bill because she is willing to betray the people of her state before she betrays her party.
The way our government is set up, budgets originate in the house, that is exactly what our elected officials in the house have done, passed a budget that keeps the government running but leaves out funding for obamacare. If the senate and the president fail to pass and sign that bill into law and the government shuts down, it is on them and them only. Since we know that will never happen it is up to us to press hard and support our representatives, call them and tell them to stay strong and hold their ground. This is the people's last stand to block this train wreck. Lets get it done this time!
Governor Nixon vetoed 29 bills this year. Including in those 29 was a moderate tax cut and 2nd amendment preservation act. I'm sure many of you from Missouri have heard of these bills on the news. While I would argue that any tax cut (even as small as the cut in HB 253) would greatly help small business in Missouri, it is proven to work on a daily bases by our surrounding states. While we can blame many republicans for not voting to override the Governors veto, I want to be very clear that the problem starts at the top with Jay Nixon, but since that mistake has three more years in office. Here is a list of republicans that voted no in overriding His veto, also including their district, phone number and room number if you feel the need to contact them.
Last. First. District. Party. Phone. Room.
1. Entlicher, Sue 128 Republican 573-751-1347 207A
2. Fitzwater, Paul 144 Republican 573-751-2112 110B
3. Fowler, Dennis 151 Republican 573-751-1494 203B
4. Fraker, Lyndall 137 Republican 573-751-3819 110A
5. Gannon, Elaine 115 Republican 573-751-7735 203C
6. Hampton, Kent 150 Republican 573-751-3629 235
7. Pfautsch, Donna 033 Republican 573-751-9766 236B
8. Phillips, Don 138 Republican 573-751-3851 135
9. Redmon, Craig 004 Republican 573-751-3644 111
10. Rowland, Lyle 155 Republican 573-751-2042 413A 11. Thomson, Mike 001 Republican 573-751-9465 401B
12.Walker, Nate 003 Republican 573-751-3647 405B
13. Wood, David 058 Republican 573-751-2077 115A While history was made and the Legislature overrode 10 bills. The two most important were stalled. Above you saw you was to blame for HB 253, but for HB 436 was a different story. The 2nd amendment preservation act had passed the house and moved on to the senate where it needed 23 votes to be passed. The Mo senate has 24 republican senators, sounds like no problem, right? Two top senate leaders held up the bill, Senator Ron Richard and Senator Tom Dempsey. This resulted in HB 436 failing to pass by one vote.
Senator Ron Richard Senator Tom Dempsey Phone 573-751-2173 Phone 573-751-1141
Please feel free to give these wonderful elected officials a call and let them know how disappointed you are with them. Just remember, in 2016 Missouri will elect a new Governor. We need a 2nd amendment defending, fiscally responsible, small government Governor to lead Missouri to freedom and prosperity.
For now we must deal with consequences of our lawmakers actions. As a result Missouri will continue to be among the last place states for economic growth, and Missouri citizens will be left vulnerable to President Obama's gun control laws in the future.
I think its important that everybody understands the importance of this recent gun debate. As a strong supporter of the Constitution, I believe it is very important to keep the Bill of Rights as they were meant to be. That includes the right for the people of this country to keep and bear arms. Recently we saw the people of this country do a good job in defending those rights in most cases, we saw the failure of Obama's gun control bill in the senate in recent weeks, which was the greatest thing the senate has done in many months. Now we should continue to look forward and fixing the problems that led to these recent tragedies. One thing we know, through statistics is that more guns in the hands of good people always results in less crime, we must fight for the abolishment of gun free school zones and make it easier for teachers to be trained and carry a gun if they want to. We must also continue to educate the public on the responsible and safe use of firearms. Another thing is the public's mindset needs to change on firearms, the amount of fear people have against them astonishes me. It is up to us to show responsible practices carrying, handling and shooting these tools of defense. We must not forget to support our lawmakers in coming up with 2nd amendment friendly ways in solving some of our problems, urge them to follow states like Missouri, Oklahoma, Texas, Utah, Montana and not states like Illinois, Colorado and New York. So lets stop immediately jumping to the defense of the 2nd amendment when it should be the solution.
This week we were hit once again by radical Islamist's, we saw regular citizens step up and put themselves in harms way to help others in need, law enforcement working overtime until the terrorists had been brought to justice. There is much that still needs to be determined, who was all behind it, where did the money come from and what was the reasoning behind the young terrorists actions? Through all of that we still got to see what makes America great, seeing people stand together to bring these men to justice. We can talk about how the media talked and hoped for days that the terrorists were right winged Americans, but I would rather look at all the good and not the bad.
We can see that no matter what party you belong to, or how much the white house is using an emotional tragedy like the new town shooting to push their gun control bills, the US Senate still stood up and up held the 2nd amendment of our constitution in a vote this week by a 60% majority. That is something we should all be proud of. So as we continue to mourn for the lost this past week, you can still find good things happening. Just remember this is America and we will stand strong together.
Hello all, I only have a few minutes but i wanted to go over the gun control debate. I heard today that the filibuster failed in the senate. It disturbs me to hear so-called republicans say it deserves to be debated on the floor. I disagree and here's why, first off, what part of "shall not be infringed" do our elected officials not understand? secondly they say all the bill does is expand background checks for gun shows and online sales. All of that is already law, they must have other legislation tucked in there that no one is talking about, maybe a federal database? Third, whenever a bill is on the floor all it takes is a few back room deals and added pork spending to get the votes they need. We also can't forget how bad they are on voting for bills they haven't even read read yet.
So please, wherever you are call your senator's and tell them to vote no on any gun control bills. Its been proven that all gun laws accomplish is just making it harder for legal gun owners to purchase firearms and does not have an effect on crime anyway.
Everyday I spend most of my time running my business and taking care of my family. As I continue to hear all the problems our states and country faces, I get more and more fed up with our political leaders. One of the most resent crisis I find disturbing is our country’s financial situation. Tax day is right around the corner and many of you do not understand how much federal taxes effect you. You may here how much big business gets taxed and you may not find a problem with it. I would like to explain my point of view on this subject. Federal taxes are around 5-10 times the amount of state taxes. I don't believe the federal government has the right to tax that much of ones income, especially when the whitehouse uses the money they take from you to bribe your own state in enacting or passing legislation they want in law. There is so much waste in all the government programs it makes me sick. If we gave the states the means in running their own programs there would be much less waste and put an end to all the state entitlements and bribing done by the federal government. I am a big supporter of senator Rand Paul and his budget, but you'll never see that go into law as long as we have so many big government money hungry politicians in office. To think we are $17,000,000,000,000 in debt and the president spent weeks complaining about $85,000,000,000, in less spending this year. We'll still manage to add $1,200,000,000,000 to the debt by the end of the year. To put it in terms you can understand, its like saying you're $170,000 in debt you make $21,000 a year and you spend $40,000 a year wouldn't you have to find a way to fix that situation instead of asking the bank to keep raising your debt limit every year? It doesn't take a genius to see the problem this country faces, so lets all stand up and demand the government make the cuts necessary to get this financial crisis under control.